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Charity sector – Oxford Business Management

Supporting Charities

In recent years the public’s disposable income has been under greater pressure than ever before, therefore charities are having to work twice as hard to maintain and grow their income via their fundraising efforts. At the same time inflation is driving up operating costs. To ensure that every penny that comes in is used to maximum effect, we work with charities to ensure they are efficient in the way they procure goods and services, balance the books and generally manage their finances. 
How we support charities directly
Understanding a charity’s individual needs and pressures is very important to us so we can tailor our service to meet these requirements. For example, we can help reduce usage and costs across your different sites from your main office to your various shops, community centres or animal shelters. 
How we support charities via a CSR programme or charity partnerships
We have dedicated experts in our team that have over ten years of experience working in the Corporate Social Responsibility sector  and inside the third sector. We fully understand the partnership building process between a corporate company and their chosen partner charity, and firmly believe our cost management service can help strengthen this partnership. 

Our service will benefit your charity by: 

  • directly reducing your costs,
  • reducing the burden on your staff, saving you time,
  • offering no up-front costs, commission is only taken once savings have been made, and
  • delivering transparent reporting, with a dedicated account manager.